Saturday 22 March 2014

My conversation with the god....

One day...

Standing in front of god on the boulevard of broken dreams , with hands joined and teary eyes...

"God", I asked ,
" I'm not getting what to do, I'm not getting answers to my own questions , Its like there's no way ahead and the hopes have ended"

 God calmly said, " Believe & Trust in yourself"

I immediately replied," God today the situation in front of me is like that I can see no hope for better tomorrow, the coming day will be good or not even that also i don't know... then in what should i believe??? "

Calmly, with a smiling face, god replied, 
"The bird takes a high flight in the sky because it has the confidence that its not going to fall down, 
A person sows a seed in soil, waters it daily, because of the hope he has that it'll grow one day ,
A child sleeps in his mother's lap , because he believes and trusts his mother and knows that his mother will save him from all evils,
We plan for tomorrow before going to bed, because we believe that we're going to see the next day morning!!
Today, my child you are standing at my door, sharing your sorrows with me , because you believe that I'll hear your prayer!!
So, my child have a faith in yourself and again give a new birth to belief in your mind in positive manner, because situation changes as time moves on, things will not remain the same as they are today... there's nothing written anywhere that what's gonna happen tomorrow, you haven't seen the universe today... the boundaries of the universe is far away from range of your vision,
Impossible is made possible beyond your vision , and the threads of hope are again joined in the next moment...
Unknowingly in front of you a moment will come, the hopes which you have lost will come back in your favor...
So... my child, whenever a situation comes when you lose all your hopes... just keep a faith in yourself, trust yourself, believe in yourself and move on...

The moment when you'll end up with all your powers while moving on towards a better goal, will be the moment when I will start accompany you!!! "
Saying this the god vanished , showing a ray of hope and making me believe in the belief!!! 
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Facebook: Patrickology
- Prateek Aloni

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